My Secondary School 24-May-04
Scheme of Work.  writer: version :7.5
Key Stage 4 GPS Product Design (Project 1)   year 10 active (Social / cultural shown by subscript)
Week / Lesson / topic Objectives:  Pupils should … Starter activity  (linked to main activities) Activities Plenary Differentiation Resources  Homework Lit/Num/ICT
1-3 of 39 Identify the various course targets and be able to record them Write the Homework in your diary Intro to course & lesson structure. Produce a strategy for pursuing active research (in the form of a mind map). No hands up 'quiz' on the concept of trianglation, two way and multiple communication systems (different layers) all should design a brief sheet, produce a basic Gantt diagram and start three research sheets. Research material on GPS systems, ergonomics and relevent anthropometrics, materials and finishes.   Prepared Gantt Diagram template sheets and GCSE Assessment marking sheets Investigate body placement for storage, and high visibility / camouflage. Design a draft personal title box for CAD production. keywords, GPS, satellite, weight/mass volume - density - various specialist materials
Introduction to Brief Perceive how vulnerable humans are when beyond normal life supporting systems and identify the need for technological solutions. Get out last week's homework Construct a draft illustrated "Brief" page.  Produce a Gantt Diagram identifying the timing of course targets and content.  most should design an illustrated brief sheet, produce a basic Gantt diagram with three full pages of research notes  
  Organise a body of relevant research and the areas needing to be explored Draw three forms of wilderness (3D) in which you would not want to stay for very long.  (5 minutes each drawing) Introduction to GPS Systems and their use world wide.  Review the limitations that a personal device should have in a search and rescue situation. Produce sheet.   some should design a quality brief sheet, produce a detailed Gantt diagram and three plus pages of reasoned, detailed research notes   Numeracy,
  Review the strategy for pursuing active research (in the form of a mind map).   Review ergonomics and relevant anthropometrics. Product Research sheet/s     HB pencils, A3 Paper, line guides, crayons - and tie tags  
  Value each page produced as a self standing graphic product   Review use of materials, water proofing, density and finishes.  Look at actual products of similar nature. Make conclusions. Produce sheet         ICT
4-6 of 39 Compare different product styles and discuss their merits Write the Homework in your diary Homework check. Review last week / session topic Discuss which types of technical gadgets are preferred by the group - small group Q+A session on implications. all should choose the basic aspects to incorporate within their design, on the sheets produced prepared Question Paper Further research on GPS systems and particularly  - write a letter/email asking for information on a product that might meet the constraints given in the brief keywords,  GPS, satellite, weight/mass volume - density - various specialist materials -  because, however & therefore
Research Info & Context 1 Analyse production constraints and decide how that would affect product design Get out last week's homework Gallery review of last weeks homework - find concensus about body placement for storage, and high visibility/camouflage   most should choose the main aspects with annotation to incorporate within their design, on the sheets produced A3 and A4 paper, pencils, standard drawing equipment, scissors and glue sticks  
  Analyse the significance of the "Golden Section / Mean" - ratio 1 : 1.618 and "symmetry" in good product design List and/or thumbnail sketch as many different strategies used to rescue individuals from a wilderness situation. (15 minutes) Draw a colour circle based on the process colours using Fluorescent high-lighters.  Add tertiary / complimentary colours - to review the production of camouflage type colours   some should in addition, choose a form / style and note constraints with a view to promoting their ideas Resource sheets on Colour, GPS, and communication systems    Numeracy,  percentages, levels, scales and ratios - i.e.. 1:1.618
  Review the use of various materials and construction methods   Produce a sheet on GPS, how it works, also a sheet on radio / digital, two way / multiple communication systems and product forms     ICT, lessons this week in the ITC suite for internet research on GPS (, styles, materials and construction    ICT, lessons in the ITC suite for internet research on GPS (, styles, materials and construction 
  Determine the form of product you would prefer to design   Reinforce the use of conjunctions in reasoned full sentences (because, however & therefore)        
7-9 of 39 Compare different product styles and discuss their merits Write the Homework in your diary Homework check. Review last week / session topic Discuss which complementary colours are preferred by the group for using with their product - small group Q+A session on implications. all should choose the basic aspects to incorporate within their design, on the sheets produced prepared Question Paper Write a survey and ask family and friends to answer it in relation to the use of and potential popularity of such products - identify the target market keywords,  GPS, satellite, weight/mass volume - density - various specialist materials -  because, however & therefore
Research Info & Context 2 Analyse production constraints and decide how that would affect product design Get out last week's homework Gallery review of last weeks homework -discuss responses received from making direct contacts with manufacturers and supplyers   most should choose the main aspects with annotation to incorporate within their design, on the sheets produced A3 and A4 paper, pencils, standard drawing equipment, scissors and glue sticks  
  Analyse the significance of the "Golden Section / Mean" - ratio 1 : 1.618 and "symmetry" in good product design List and/or thumbnail sketch as many different strategies used to rescue individuals from a wilderness situation. (15 minutes) Complete a research sheet on solar energy for provision of electrical power, wind up generators and batteries.   some should in addition, choose a form / style and note constraints with a view to promoting their ideas Resource sheets on Colour, GPS, and communication systems    Numeracy,  percentages, levels, scales and ratios - i.e.. 1:1.618
  Review the use of various materials and construction methods   Produce a research sheet on control surfaces, switch functions and ergonomics, and a further sheet on the forms the device may or may not take     ICT, lessons this week in the ITC suite for internet research on GPS (, styles, materials and construction    ICT, lessons in the ITC suite for internet research on GPS (, styles, materials and construction 
  Determine the form of product you would prefer to design   Reinforce the use of conjunctions in reasoned research analysis (because, however & therefore)        
10-12 of 39 Identify the categories needed to produce a comprehensive specification Write the Homework in your diary Homework check. Review last week / session topic - Complete significant charts and graphs to qualify (homework) market research  Pupils to look at the presentation of each others final specification all should produce a basic draft and final specification. Also have evaluated peers work. Pool of research materials Complete the formative analysis of research including a sumative analysis relevant to the specification drafted today. keywords, "must, should & may"
Analysis to Specification Organise the requirements of your product into a logical layout Get out last week's homework Introduction to the detailed specification - categorising a list based on "must, should & may"   most should produce a detailed draft and final specification. Also have discussed peers work. Help sheet on specification writing from textbook  
  Understand the need for a clear specification Assemble all Research pages and put them in a chosen order - (group to compare different approaches) Pupils write a draft specification.  Peer evaluation of draft specifications - to attach comments, use "post- it's"   some should produce a highly detailed draft and final specification and been helpful evaluating peers work. A3 and A4 paper, pencils, standard drawing equipment, scissors and glue sticks   Numeracy, measurement and scale 1:100
      Pupils write a final specification for their chosen product - to include given size constraints      Line Guides and post - it notes  
            ICT, one lesson in the ITC suite for writing the draft specification   one lesson in the ITC suite for writing the draft specification
13-15 of 39 Recognise all the different methods of pictorial drawing and be able to use a range while drawing ideas Write the Homework in your diary Review last week / session topic - complete work on the specification (one out of the 3 lessons) What makes a good idea? - group discussion based on how they made their choices all should produce some ideas for product designs using recognisable drawing methods and descriptive notes A3 paper, pencils, highlighters, drawing boards (basic drawing kit) Draw another alternative idea that is very different in approach and/or form. keywords, construction, intersection, bold, feint, straight even, edge and surface - thick and thin line
Specification to Ideas Derive a range of different possible solutions to a problem from the task and specification Get out last week's homework Pupils to add further "rapid"  ideas to homework - 3D thumbnail sketches with annotation. Refer to product research material.   most should produce a range of ideas for product designs using recognisable drawing methods with reasoned annotation one lesson in the ITC suite for writing the final specification  
  Choose from a range of ideas basing your judgement on previously known criteria Draw examples showing all the different methods of pictorial drawing Choose two (2) "final" ideas based on evaluating initial ideas against their specification and brief   some should produce a wide range of ideas for product designs using several recognisable drawing methods with reasoned annotation     Numeracy, counting (many), scale
  Make constructive use of annotation to amplify your decisions   Draw final ideas neatly using pictorial methods to a larger scale and add annotation        
      Students to tie tag and hand in all course-work for formal assessment.         one lesson in the ITC suite for writing the final specification
16-18 of 39 Choose the most workabl and easthetic idea and justify its development Write the Homework in your diary Homework check.  Review last week / session topic Peer evaluation of BS-PD7308 - to attach comments, use "post- it's" all should make use of basic drawing rules to produce a drawing of their product A4 & A3 paper, pencils, red pens, erasers, rules post - it notes Complete a PD7308 Convention - Orthographic Prep Sheet number 1 keywords, British standards, (PD7308) construction, outline, ends to middle, projection, elevation, hidden detail, cross section and intersection.
Final Idea to Orthographic Planning Illustrate a comprehension of important rules for orthographic drawing Get out last week's homework Make a choice of FINAL idea before producing "working drawing" of FINAL idea to BS-PD7308   most should make use of a range of drawing rules to enable others to read the work accurately Drawing boards, blades, set squares ("standard equipment")  
  Select and use the relevant guidelines to enable a readable drawing to be produced Do a rough orthographic layout sketch of your chosen ideas on A4 paper Drawing of set piece to introduce basic skills needed for third angle orthographic drawing of a product   some should make use of a wide range of drawing rules to enable others to read the work accurately ICT, CAD if computer resources are available and students have had the prior training    Numeracy: dimensions, scale, measuring, 
  Demonstrate the ability to make use of the available equipment to produce clear, neat, readable drawings   Pupils prepare A3 sheet for first orthographic drawing of their product         ICT, CAD if computer resources are available and students have had the prior training 
  Measure and draw with accuracy (psychomotor)   Make a choice of FINAL idea before producing "working drawing" of FINAL idea to BS-PD7308        
19-21 of 39 be aware of the need for modelling and seeing things in three dimensions when designing Write the Homework in your diary Homework check. Review last week / session topic Recap learned techniques & concepts. Discuss what will be necessary for the making of a promotional model. all should complete a test model and make at least one (1) major modification applied to a copy of the orthographic drawing.  Complete mechanisms worksheet. Card, sellotape and glue for modelling.  Mechanisms worksheet number 1. Complete a Development of a Solution worksheet (error correction - Quality Assurance and Control) keywords, MODS, adjust, modify change, develop
Development and Modifications know how to use card to make a 3D model of their design ideas Get out last week's homework complete orthographic drawing and photocopy same.  Produce a development in light card to test out the form.  Check for errors and need for modifications   most should complete a test model and make up to three (3) detail modifications applied to a copy of the orthographic drawing. Complete mechanisms worksheet scissors, guillotine and light (3 sheet) card   
  understand how the model can be used to provide formative evaluation towards modifying designs Review neighbour's homework and adjust your own (add and/or modify accordingly) Using a RED pen, correct and modify a copy of the original orthographic drawing accordingly.   some should in addition act as peer mentors to assist the team. UHU glue, red technical pens  Computer for demonstration of animations   Numeracy, Measurement, scale, estimating
  Compare the difference between a "test" model and a finished "promotional model"   Single period: cover issues relating to mechanisms - LOCI and the drawing of movement in relation to unfolding componant parts, linier to circular, pivots, levers and gearing ratios.      Exemplars of "promotional models" - also computer animations of similar products  
  Understand the relevance of mechanisms and motion in the relation to the project.         ICT, CAD if CAD was used as a resource the previous week    ICT, CAD if CAD was used as a resource the previous week 
22-24 of 39 Explore different mediums for rendering and choosing a preference Write the Homework in your diary Produce a Formal two point perspective drawing of their product including the surface on which it sits.  . Gallery - evaluate the product and style of the work within the group all should complete one full 3D drawing with rendering using a chosen media standard A3 80 gsm paper and paper for the starter .  Computer setup Collect and bring in "found" items/materials, that can be used to make your model more realistic and detailed keywords, perspective, planometric, isometric, oblique
3D Rendering to Plan of making Develop skills and techniques with the chosen medium Get out last week's homework Produce a formal Isometric view of the product.  (both to be able to be photcopied on cartridge paper).  Explore different media to produce a colour rendering of one (1) of the pupils 3D drawings   most should complete both a planometric and 2 point perspective drawing, one with colour rendering. A3 130 gsm cartridge paper, plywood boards, gummed tape   
  Apply what has been learned to a final rendering of your product to produce a quality result Freehand sketch two different 3D views of your product  (fast pace  - 5 min. each) Draw a sequentiial plan for the making of the product, in the form of an illustrated flow diagram or a mind map.   some should have progressed towards colouring photocopies of their work to develop promotional material watercolours, fine pointed watercolour brushes, air-brush process colours, three air brushes and hose.  Black technical pens 0.5 and 0.3    Numeracy, measuring and scales, 1:100 - 1:50 - 1:25
  Decide what works and correct errors when necessary or choose to start again   Discuss - techniques to assure quality and control of the chosen media      
  Evaluate the technique and style of other's work and resolve to develop my own technique accordingly   Students to tie tag and hand in all course-work for formal assessment.     Standard drawing equipment and hard "Fairy" green laundry soap for washing the brushes   ICT computer, scanning and printing
25-27 of 39 Understand the need for forward planning and predict time allotments for tasks undertaken Write the Homework in your diary Issuing of basic materials Health and safety check - checking tools and resources, complement on individual and group organization skills. all should cut and form parts and apply base paint where necessary to all relevant component parts One piece of Styrofoam per pupil 120x80x25, fine flat brushes, pointers, process colours and white acrylic paint, Find and illustrate examples of where industrial processes (e.g. vacuum forming) are used in the manufacture of actual devices such as mobile phones, 2 way radios GPS etc. keywords,
Model Making Choose appropriate tools and materials to apply a sense of realism in your model Get out last week's homework Writing of cutting lists for additional materials most should apply detail to some of the parts and begin cutting and assembly
  Develop an appreciation of "pace" in order to meet the deadline Review safety procedures when using knives - prepare one half of the room for model work and the other assembly of folder work Cutting and forming of component parts   some should complete base painting, apply detail and assemble some component parts Various adhesives and finishes, card, red and black technical pens etc.   Numeracy - scale and measurement
  Appreciate a sense of quality and value for the work undertaken Individual work with small team cooperation to complete tasks.     A3 Printer, fast Graphics computer and A3 scanner.    
  Relate to the value others place within their own work   Neat and orderly clearing away before the Plenary session     Double sided A4 Kodak Photo Paper and A3 Brochure paper   ICT
28-30 of 39 Develop a sense of Quality Assurance by establishing controls in the work Write the Homework in your diary More painting and finishing of component parts Health and safety check - checking tools and resources, complement on individual and group organization skills. all should finish paint and apply other finishes where necessary to all relevant component parts super glue, fine flat brushes, pointers, process colours and white acrylic paint, red and black technical pens Produce research on the different finishes that can be applied to plastics and metals keywords, 
Assembly and Finishing Choose appropriate tools and materials to apply a sense of realism in your model Get out last week's homework Health and safety check on the appropriate use of adhesives (glues)   most should apply detail to most of the parts and continue cutting and assembly  
  Develop an appreciation of "pace" in order to meet the deadline Again review safety procedures when using knives - prepare one half of the room for model work and the other assembly of folder work Individual work with small team cooperation to complete tasks.   some should complete painting/finishes with detail and assemble all component parts, and be able to assist others. (peer mentors) Other Glues and finishes,  etc   Numeracy
  Appreciate a sense of quality and value for the work undertaken (QA & QC) Finishing touches to all aspects of the model.     A3 Printer, fast Graphics computer and A3 scanner.    
  Relate to the value others place within their own work providing support and peer assistance wherever possible   Neat and orderly clearing away before the Plenary session     Double sided A4 Kodak Photo Paper and A3 Brochure paper   ICT
31-33 of 39 Derive a meaningful evaluation based on your specification Write the Homework in your diary Continue finishing parts for model - base your work on info found out from doing last weeks homework. Gallery peer evaluation of models - what is good, what could be improved? all should finish most parts of their GPS system model and produce a draft evaluation super glue, fine flat brushes, pointers, process colours and white acrylic paint, red and black technical pens Correction of errors - identify problems with making and how you solved them. Create a separate sheet or add notes to plan of making in red pen. keywords, 
Assembly and Finishing Select areas of your work that you have judged to be in need of improvement and plan for changes Get out last week's homework Use copies of your specification and the brief to draft an evaluation of your product at this stage   most should finish most parts of their GPS system model and produce a draft evaluation with improvements that are acted upon Photo reduced copies of pupils specifications  
  Develop an appreciation of "pace" in order to meet the deadline Sketch out or list changes, modifications or improvements you have / intend to make to your design Act on any modifications or improvements that are identified in your evaluation   some should finish all parts of their GPS system model and produce a detailed draft evaluation in context with their specification and brief. Improvements must be acted upon A4 & A3 paper, pencils   Numeracy
  Relate to the value others place within their own work providing support and peer assistance wherever possible   Error correction in the model making and recording what was done in the folder work.      
      Final assembly of component parts         ICT
24-36 of 39 Comprehend the need to meet the final deadline on time Write the Homework in your diary Peer evaluation of finished model - based on survey questions written by pupils (testing) Awards for peer evaluated best project and best effort - general summing up all should bind all work completed to-date with an attached marking sheet and sumative evaluation. New A3 GCSE Mark sheets Complete any unfinished work or improve sections where evaluations have shown gaps keywords, Final, sequential, bibliography
Final Assembly and Evaluation understand the need to place pages in the natural order/sequence of the design process. Get out last week's homework 2nd marking of model using GCSE marking criteria   most should neatly complete and bind in sequential order their project paperwork. A3 Paper, Pencils, Black and Red technical pens  
  Reflect on a real sense of achievement , completing the body of coursework Sketch out or list order of pages to be presented in your project Complete Final Sumative Evaluation in context of the Specification.  Complete any other outstanding work. Present work bound with tie tags.      some should complete a Content's Page, new Front Cover, and Bibliography. A3 Printer, fast Graphics computer and A3 scanner.  New colour cartridges for A3 colour Printer Key Black, Magenta, Cyan and Yellow   Numeracy
  Support each other in the final effort and recognise the quality of the work being completed   Higher Students to complete extra pages (see "some should").      
37-39 of 39 Identify areas of success and record the result in the form of a renewed target grade Write the Homework in your diary Gallery review completed projects.  Review Quality Controls used in the first  project and assess how they could be improved in the next project Give out Christmas cards, with individual words of encouragement for each student Complete personal assessment sheets and have adjusted their target grades accordingly.   A3 paper, Pencils, crayons, pens and standard drawing equipment Continue to research ways of marketing products - especially look at the use of brochures for advertising.  Collect as many different types of free brochures as possible.  keywords, promotion, happy, good, best wishes, positive and decorative
Christmas Extension Analyse areas of weakness and establish individual strategies for improvement and encouragement Get out last week's homework Pupils to review achievement assessed to date and adjust Target Setting accordingly   most should have also completed a Poster Adapted GCSE Assessment sheets.  Homework Sheets
  relate to the next project and prepare students to compare different forms of promotion Adjust and complete self and peer assessment sheets Design Poster to sell their GPS product to a Christmas season market.   some should also be able to assist and peer mentor within the group Christmas Cards   Numeracy, levels, grades and averages
  Recognise achievement, with a view to developing a warm team spirit amongst the group   Consider various options of marketing the product.  Produce a mind map linking the many different methods     Various Rewards  
      Wish each-other a very Happy Christmas         ICT
1-2 of 3 obj 1 Write the Homework in your diary carefully colour a ready made development of a post-modernist habitat Fill in plenary activity here (on 'ws' sheet) all should Habitat development sheet Refer to the homework normally set in the chronological sequence of things keywords
Double Cover Lesson obj 2 Get out last week's homework act 2   most should Homework Sheet Alterative Homework sheet 2
  obj 3 Replace with main starter activity act 3   some should     Numeracy
  obj 4   act 4        
  obj 5   act 5         ICT
3 of 3 obj 1 Write the Homework in your diary act 1 Fill in plenary activity here (on 'ws' sheet) all should   Refer to the homework normally set in the chronological sequence of things keywords
Single Cover Lesson obj 2 Get out last week's homework act 2   most should Homework Sheet Alterative Homework sheet 2
  obj 3 Replace with main starter activity act 3   some should     Numeracy
  obj 4   act 4        
  obj 5   act 5         ICT