Technology Lesson Planning Sheet
          version :7.3 24-May-04
Teacher S Nicholson Subject Sustainable Habitats (Project 3)
Teaching group 10L/M BromCom Code  
  (if different from teaching group label)  
Day Monday/Friday Date   Lesson No.: 7-9 of 33
Topic Evaluation to Specification NC ref / SoW ref:   Key Stage 4
Learning Objective(s) (by the end of this lessons pupils should understand / know / be able to…)
Identify the categories needed to produce a comprehensive specification
Organise the requirements of your habitat / promotion into a logical layout
Understand the need for a clear specification
Special Needs / differentiation  
All must… all should produce a basic draft and final specification. Also have evaluated peers work.
Most should most should produce a detailed draft and final specification. Also have discussed peers work.
Some should some should produce a highly detailed draft and final specification and been helpful evaluating peers work.
Literacy   I.C.T.   Numeracy  
Annotation   y CAD y Averages o
Answering Q in full sentences y Databases o Calculations (general) y
Crossword / Wordsearch o Internet use o Graph drawing; scales o
Keywords   y Spreadsheets o Interpretting Data y
Labelling diagrams y Word Processing y Measuring o
Reading books / worksheets y Other o Other o
Writing frames   o  
Other (give details)  
Starter Activity  
Write the Homework in your diary
Get out last week's homework
Assemble all Research pages and put them in a chosen order - (group to compare different approaches)
Homework Complete the formative analysis of research including a sumative analsys relevant to the specification drafted today.
Due in : next week
Main Lesson Activities  
Homework check. Review last week / session topic
Introduction to the detailed specification - categorising a list based on "must, should & may"
Pupils write a draft specification.  Peer evaluation of draft specifications - to attach comments, use "post- it's"
Pupils write a final specification for their chosen habitat / promotion - to include given size constraints 
Pupils write a final specification for their chosen habitat / promotion - to include given size constraints 
Plenary Pupils to look at the presentation of each others final specification
Learning Checks / assessment & summary      
Discussion with pupils   o Q/A session with whole class y
Looking at folders / written and sketched work y Test   o
Practical outcome   y      
Evaluation of the lesson may be found on the reverse of this lesson plan Key: o = possible,     y = included,   ? = may be