Art is harmony. Are many is the analogue
of contrary and similar qualities in tone,
colour and line, considered with reference
to a dominant and under the influence of
the scheme of liking in happy, calm or sad
The contraries are:
In tone, a (more luminous/lighter)
against a darker.
In colour, the complementaries;
that is, a particular red set against its
complementary, etc. (red - green; orange
- blue; yellow - Violet).
In line, those that form a right
Gaiety of tone results from a luminous
dominant; of colour, from a warm
dominant; of line, from angles
above the horizontal.
Calmness of tone results from a
balance of dark and light; of colour,
from a balance of warm and cold; of line,
from a horizontal.
Sadness of tone results from a
dark dominant; of colour, from
a cold dominant; of line, from
angles below the horizontal.
Assuming the phenomena of the duration of
a light - impression on the retina.
Synthesis necessarily follows. The means
of expression is the optical mixture of
terms and colours (local colour and the
colour of the source of illumination: sunlight,
lamplight, gaslight, etc.), that is of lights
and reactions against light (shadows), in
accordance with the law of contrast,
gradation and irradiation.
The frame is in a harmony that opposes those
of the tones, colours and lines of the picture.