( Schemes of Work )


Schemes of Work

Secondary School Schemes of Work for the subject I currently teach, Graphic Products are being published on this web site. They were written during the summer break, for the whole academic year 2004-2005 and transformed from Excel files into web pages (.htm).  Schemes of Work are always in the process of modification (not "cast in concrete") and changes may be effected in practice, before being re-posted here.   Each scheme is written with full lesson plans for each week, overhead projector slides and a summary of regular homework which students may place in advance within their diaries.

The planned lesson period lasts 55 minutes, and in Key Stage 3 (years 7, 8 and 9), students are time tabled with a double lesson each week (2 in all) whereas, in Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11) students are time tabled with one double and one single lesson each week (3 in all).  A lesson plan covers all the work undertaken during a full week.   My Timetable (SN) and Module Rotation Schedule for Graphic Products is provided, as seen in context with colleagues' timetables in the Technology faculty, including my Hot-Spots schedule.  Cover staff, parents and students may find specific lesson plans for any particular day/date, from my detailed Year Planner.

These schemes have been costed to be deliverable within National (England and Wales) guidelines of expenditure for resourcing (capitation).  Following a previous Ofsted inspection, the placement of a computer in a Graphic's classroom for students' use, was overlooked, resulting in the need to fund several computers privately. Access to this private resource significantly assisted, amongst other things, raising the productivity, standards and expectations of students pursuing their GCSE Graphic Products exam coursework, especially in 2002.  The school subsequently came out of a process called "Special Measures".  Since reference to the continuing lack of a "publicly funded" computer was posted on this web site, on Thursday 4th November 2004, the School Management placed a computer in the Graphic Products classroom.  My grateful thanks to Adam for connecting it to the school network on Friday 19th November 2004.  The school undertook another Ofsted inspection during the week of the 8th November 2004 with a satisfactory result.  Grateful thanks to Peter Broome and Steve Williams for providing prototype Excel templates for Work Schemes which (nearly), automatically produce lesson plans.  You may forward suggestions, corrections and comments directly to me via: stephen@nicholsongraphics.com   Parents may forward views to Andrew Fleet, the Head Teacher of Hreod Parkway School, Akers Way, Moredon, Swindon SN2 2NQ England, about any matter identified within the Schemes below.  This public information should become available on the school website within the near future. 

More printable resources will be added as they are produced.  Click here should you need to download Acrobat Reader to view the Resource files.  To print out a lesson plan from a Scheme of Work - right click on the relevant tab at the bottom of the Scheme of Work page and "Print Target".   For Acrobat files, click on [File] and [Print] or the printer icon.


Pop up books - click here for some HISTORY


Year 7 Module 1 ( 5 to 7 weeks ) ~ Pop up Cards promoting a "Zoo"Project .  This first Graphic Products short course introduces new students with some basic procedures and expectations within the Technology Faculty.  It tackles the subject of Logos, Mechanisms, Finishes and Quality Control while taking students through the "Design Process" in a practical exploration of the world of pop-up cards and books. Grateful thanks is extended to colleague Mr T J Wilkes, and Steve Williams from our "Beacon School" in Bristol, for their contribution.

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format) Shape and Form (should be enlarged and printed to A3)  For research, pop up help can be found at "Practice"  for high flyers,  something more simple, and something simpler still.  Here also is a neat history of Early Moveable Books .  

Games for high flyers

Year 7 Module 2 ( 7 weeks ) ~ Board Games for Young Travelers Project .  The second Graphics project in Year 7 reinforces the concept of the "design process" taking students into active research, formulating and developing their own ideas, planning and making their own model of a travelers' board game. Processes of evaluation are taken throughout and at the end to determine whether or not their design meets the adopted product specification.  Throughout the first two projects, Year 7 receive an evaluation of their Level of Attainment according to the National Curriculum in England and Wales.  Individual target levels are set and upgraded to assist students work towards greater personal achievement. We endeavor to move the majority of students towards performing up to a level 8 over the three years that represent Key Stage 3 within the National Curriculum.  Grateful thanks is extended to colleague Mr T J Wilkes, and Steve Williams from our "Beacon School" in Bristol, for their contribution.

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format)  Perspective Grid   (can be enlarged and printed to A3).   Useful research can be found here: Roman Board Games and Yahoo Games Listings

A student's Bookmark rendering - and cards - click here for a search on GOOGLE.COM


Year 8 Module 1 ( 5 to 7 weeks ) ~ Bookmark Project .   The Bookmark project focuses on the world of "Promotion".  It takes students through a course of personal investigation, writing a specification, looking at genre, presentation, development, typography, the use of images, colour and finishing of a Bookmark.  Grateful thanks is extended to colleague Mr T J Wilkes, and Steve Williams from our "Beacon School" in Bristol, for their contribution.

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format)  Font Style Survey   Typography Helpsheet   Process Colour Wheel

A local Play Park

Year 8 Module 2 ( 6 to 7 weeks ) ~ Play Park Project .  This project focuses on the development of ideas, drawing, planning and making skills, designed to provide a solid foundation for future projects.  Students are encouraged to concentrate on measurement, accuracy, conventions of drawing and the practical use of scale.   The outcome will be a model play park and a series of evaluated drawings leading up to its production.  Grateful thanks is extended to colleague Mr T J Wilkes, and Steve Williams from our "Beacon School" in Bristol, for their contribution.

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format)  Perspective Grid   (can be enlarged and printed to A3).  For research help, theme park brochures can be found at www.themeparkbrochures.com

A small house needing some restoration and new technology

A KS3 Level 6 model

Year 9 Module 1 ( 5 weeks ) ~ House and Garden Project.   Students are presented with a 1:100 scale orthographic drawing of a house and bungalow, and invited to place one of the buildings within the boundaries of a standard plot of land (A4 size 3mm MDF board), taking advantage of compass bearing, the sun and wind, to maximize self-sufficiency and "sustainability".  The outcome of the project is a 1:100 scale model of a house and garden, with the potential of building up a substantial "sustainable" community, in model form.  House parts are pre-formed from thick card, trees and hedges from pre-dyed, cheap car sponges and ground effects made using recycled pre-dyed sawdust, sprinkled over brushed on PVA glue. Students are supplied with the following additional resources:

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format)  1. Wind Power UK  2. Wind Power US   3. Retail Store  House  Bungalow  Windows and Doors  Solar Panels  Heating Panels   Dyed Sponges   Dyed Sawdust   By Week 3   By Week 4   By Week 5   Scape   Detail   Research possibilities:   Global Warming Kids Site   Students are encouraged to follow the news about global warming NOW as it develops!   BBC October 20, 2004    Climate Change   Also see Extra Supplementary Information

Shop Front Project - just take a good look at your local high street

Year 9 Module 2 ( 11 weeks ) ~ Shop Front Project . Students are invited to research the structure, architecture and presentation of shop fronts within their community, design (or redesign) a shop front for a specific market and/or product/services, produce a specification, produce many ideas and develop at least one of them into a 1:50 scale orthographic drawing which they will use to build a model of their final Shop Front design in thick card (This scheme could be adapted to have a web site outcome (cyber shop front) if ICT resources were made available). Students will explore a variety of graphic techniques and should gain an understanding of promotion, advertising, sign writing/typography, systems & control, access rights and basic English planning requirements.

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format).  To be added here - before the project starts on 11th April 2005.

Lost? Want to be found? A new product may help you quickly get to safety.
Year 10 Module 1 ( 13 weeks ) ~ GPS, Product Design Project.  Students who opt to study Graphic Products at GCSE begin their course immediately with a project that focuses on product design.  The first four weeks concentrates on training students to pursue research for a design brief and its subsequent analysis in an encouraging and structured way.  The project follows the "design process" according to the requirements of the Examination Board, AQA.   This project looks at the growing use of GPS technology and looks forward to a time when it is as available and high-tech as mobile telephones and MP3 players.   Students are encouraged to work cooperatively as design teams; the "High Flyers" encouraged to support those more academically challenged.  The resulting creative and positive atmosphere noticeably enhances everyone's learning.   A special thanks to www.garmin.com for promptly and positively answering student email requests for research information.
Various Brochures
Year 10 Module 2 ( 6 weeks ) ~ Promotional Project.  After successfully designing a potentially new and better product, students undertake a short project, covering the necessary art of promotion, focusing on both the form and content of advertising, typography, aesthetics, layout, logo design, corporate identity, manufacturing processes and various methods of media presentation.

This model was made as a teaching aid at 1:12 scale (more details to appear later)

Cause and Effect? Jet exhaust and mile upon mile of melting ice.  A photograph taken over the Atlantic in April 2004

Year 10 Module 3 ( 11 weeks ) ~ Sustainable Habitats Project.    Potentially the most exciting and challenging project, looking at the very serious and topical issue of global warming and how this and future generations will need to take individual and corporate responsibility to change lifestyles, including the issue of habitat design.   Students will have an opportunity to receive research assistance from the local Borough Planning Office as they find out amongst other things, what their Local Authority is doing to meet the challenge of Agenda 21, called Local Agenda 21.  The outcome should be the design and/or promotion of a sustainable habitat.

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format)  1. Wind Power UK  2. Wind Power US   3. Retail Store   Students are encouraged to follow the news about global warming NOW as it develops!   BBC October 20, 2004    Climate Change

GCSE grade A* model gift box

GCSE grade A model Fishing Lake 1:300 scale

GCSE grade A model Fishing Lake 1:500 scale

GCSE grade A model Garden 1:50 scale

Year 11 Final Exam Coursework and Revision ( 18 + 4 weeks ) ~ GCSE Final Project and Exam Prep.   Year 11 GCSE exam coursework starts immediately following the student review of Year 10 summer Graphic products Exam results.  This enables the gathering of research material during the summer to ensure the viability of each students' personally chosen project outline. 

The Examination Board AQA, provides a broad remit within its GCSE Graphic Product's "Specification" of course requirements Design and Technology (Graphic Products) Full and Short Course 2005, in which a number of "Project Outlines" are identified without intention of being exclusive or exhaustive. The major part of the students' final project is a three dimensional model outcome, representing a full 60% of the exam coursework marks.  The Final Project in turn represents 60% of the whole GCSE exam.  After exam coursework is submitted for final assessment and moderation, students sit a written/drawn examination paper (40% of the total marks).

Printed resources (PDF and JPEG format)  Dimension Convention Worksheet   Smellies Mindmap  Mock Exam Practice 1     3D Wheels Helper 

The Year 11 scheme was constructed progressively during the last academic year in cooperation with colleague and Deputy Head Teacher, Mr T J Wilkes.  It covers 18 working weeks following a summer vacation before the final submission towards the end of February the following year.  The work scheme also contains an additional four weeks schedule for exam preparation.

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